Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Newark, New Jersey
Where is Addiction Treatment in Newark, New Jersey Located?
If you live in or near Newark, New Jersey, there are 35 substance use treatment facilities located within 5 miles of the city.2 Additionally, there are 39 treatment centers located within a 5-mile radius of Essex County and 383 substance use rehabs in the state, according to data from 2020.2,3
Within 5 miles of Newark, individuals seeking treatment can find 29 facilities offering outpatient programs, 7 residential treatment centers, and 8 places providing detox services.2
American Addiction Centers (AAC), an industry leader in addiction treatment, has substance use treatment facilities across the country, including residential and outpatient options in the Northeast. You can call AAC at to speak with an admissions navigator, who can help you learn more about treatment options and availability at AAC facilities.
What is the Cost to Go to Rehab in Newark, New Jersey?
The cost to go to rehab in Newark, New Jersey, varies widely based on several factors, including the specific facility, its location, amenities offered, the level of care you need, and your insurance coverage. For example, the type of addiction treatment you receive may impact the costs. An inpatient or residential program, where you live at the facility for the duration of treatment and receive 24/7 care, costs more than an outpatient program, where you attend counseling and therapy sessions at the facility but return home or to a sober living facility at the end of each day. Additionally, the facility you choose may affect the cost. A treatment center with luxury amenities—gourmet meals, fitness centers, and pools—likely costs more than a facility without these features.
Does Insurance Cover Rehab in Newark, New Jersey?
Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), U.S. Marketplace health insurance plans are required to provide some level of coverage for essential health benefits, including mental health and substance use disorder services.4 These services may encompass behavioral health treatments such as counseling and psychotherapy, inpatient mental and behavioral health services, and substance use disorder treatment.5 While it’s the law that most insurance providers cover mental health and substance use disorder treatment and services in the same way they provide coverage for physical health benefits, the specifics of each health insurance plan differs from person to person, so it’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand the details of your plan.6
Of the 35 rehabs located within 5 miles of Newark, 17 take private health insurance, 17 accept Medicare plans, 31 take Medicaid plans, 18 accept state-financed health insurance plans other than Medicaid, and 6 take federal military insurance.2
Using insurance may help you cover some or all of the costs associated with substance use treatment. However, even with insurance, you may owe certain out-of-pocket costs, such as deductibles, copays, and coinsurance. The best way to find out exactly what your plan covers is to call the number on the back of your insurance card and speak with a representative to understand the specifics of your insurance plan.
Other Ways to Pay for Rehab in Newark, New Jersey
If you do not have a health insurance plan or you are not going to use health insurance to pay for rehab in Newark, there are other methods of payment you can use. Of the 35 rehabs within 5 miles of Newark, 31 accept cash or self-payments (no insurance), 2 do not take any payment at all, and 1 accepts IHS/Tribal/Urban funds.2 Additionally, 22 offer a sliding-scale fee option—which means the cost depends on your income—and 12 facilities offer some sort of payment assistance for low-income, uninsured, or underinsured individuals.2
If you or a loved one struggle with substance misuse or addiction and live in Newark, there are a variety of free community resources available, including:
- ReachNJ.gov. This free hotline, available 24/7 and staffed with trained counselors, offers immediate assistance and support for individuals with substance use disorders, their family, and their friends. Call 844-732-2465.
- New Jersey Al-Anon family groups. This community-based, mutual-help group provides support for the family members of the individual who struggles with substance misuse or addiction. There are meetings in Newark nearly every day of the week.
- Nar-Anon family groups. A community-based, 12-step program that supports the family and friends of an individual with a substance use disorder. There are several meetings that take place within 10 miles of Newark.
- Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families. A 12-step, mutual-help group that aims to help individuals who grew up in dysfunctional environments. There are meetings within 10 miles of Newark—some specifically for men or women.
- NJ Connect for Recovery. This free, confidential call line provides family and friends, coping with a loved one’s substance use disorder, with counseling and emotional support. They have a list of support groups for families affected by substance use. Call 855-652-3737.
What Addictions Do Newark Rehabs Treat?
Rehabs in Newark treat several substance use disorders. Data collected in 2020, for instance, reveals that residents in Newark were admitted to treatment centers for a variety of substance use disorders, including (but not limited to):1
Many individuals seeking substance use treatment in Newark may have co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders, which requires an integrated treatment approach to address both disorders simultaneously. In 2020, 57% of the individuals discharged from treatment centers in Essex County, where Newark is located, had co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders.1
Types of Addiction Treatment Offered in Newark, New Jersey
Clinicians use a comprehensive set of guidelines when assessing an individual with a substance use disorder to place them in the appropriate level of care. Known as the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria, these guidelines help inform treatment decisions.8
As previously mentioned, the 35 substance use facilities located within 5 miles of Newark, provide different levels of care, including:2
- Detox. Eight facilities in Newark offer medically managed detoxification, which helps the body rid itself of substances under the supervision of healthcare professionals, who can keep an individual safe and as comfortable as possible.
- Residential/inpatient treatment. There are 7 facilities in Newark providing 24-hour residential care, meaning the individual remains at the treatment center for the duration of care, which generally includes a combination of psychoeducation, individual and group counseling, and behavioral therapies.
- Outpatient programs. There are 29 outpatient programs within 5 miles of Newark. Outpatient programs vary in intensity and duration but all involve regularly scheduled treatment sessions that take place in a private practice, clinic, or hospital setting and all allow individuals to return home or to a sober living environment at the end of each day.
- Partial hospitalization programs (PHPs). Fifteen PHPs, also called day treatment programs, operate within 5 miles of Newark. PHPs, an outpatient service, generally require individuals to spend several hours each day, several days each week in counseling and therapy sessions.
- Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs). Newark has 24 IOPs within 5 miles of the city. These structured outpatient programs require individuals to visit the treatment center several times each week to participate in individual and group counseling and behavioral interventions.
How to Find Rehab Centers in Newark, New Jersey
If you’re ready to get treatment for a substance use disorder, and you live in Newark, New Jersey, treatment—regardless of the level of care you need—isn’t far away. However, sometimes it can be beneficial to leave the area where you live and seek treatment elsewhere, especially if you have an unstable home environment. For some, escaping the familiar people, stressors, and situations that contribute to substance use can offer them the fresh start they need to begin their recovery journey.
Whether you opt to stay close to home, or travel for treatment, when searching for a rehab facility, you’ll want to evaluate a center’s licensing, accreditations, and reviews, as well as the types of programming, therapies, and treatments offered to ensure it’s a fit for your specific needs.
Additionally, if you’re planning to use insurance to help cover some of the costs associated with treatment, you’ll need to verify that the rehab facility accepts your insurance provider and your individual plan. You can do this by calling the number on the back of your insurance card or calling the rehab facility directly.
AAC can help you begin your journey to recovery. We have facilities across the country that are in-network with various health insurance providers. In fact, our AdCare inpatient and outpatient facilities in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are both just a road trip or short flight away from Newark. Call to speak to one of our knowledgeable admission navigators, who can answer your questions, explain your options, and help you begin your substance-free life today.