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ComPsych is In-Network with AAC

ComPsych Coverage for Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Yes. ComPsych covers drug and alcohol rehab.
American Addiction Centers (AAC) aims to provide you with the most current and updated information on addiction insurance coverage.
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Does ComPsych Cover Addiction Treatment & Rehab?

Treatment and coverage are dependent on the plan type and personalized services needed. Insurance can typically cover at least some of the cost of treatment that may include:

Explore more payment options or call us today at There, an admissions advisor can guide you about your treatment options, create a plan, and verify your insurance coverage over the phone. If you have another insurance provider and would like to see if they can potentially cover all or some of the cost of treatment, fill in our simple verification form below.

Primary Mental Health Treatment Coverage

ComPsych insurance is now in-network with American Addiction Centers at our River Oaks Primary Mental Health Facility in Riverview, FL. This partnership ensures greater access to high-quality mental health care as part of our ongoing commitment to the needs of Tampa Bay and surrounding areas. Give us a call at to learn more.

Provider Overview

What is ComPsych?

ComPsych is one of the largest providers of employee assistance programs (EAP), while also providing services for behavioral health programs, work-life services, and absence management and FMLA administration. According to ComPsych, 127 million individuals are served throughout the United States over 56,000 organizations1.



  1. ComPsych. About ComPsych Corporation.
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Rehabs That May Accept ComPsych Insurance

American Addiction Centers (AAC) owns and operates facilities at various locations nationwide to provide you or your loved one addiction and mental health care.
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We know you have options when it comes to addiction treatment. That’s why American Addiction Centers goes above and beyond to help you achieve and maintain sobriety.
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